Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Blog

So I decided to start a whole new blog. Starting fresh in the new year. I hope you all will join me. Here's the new site See ya soon!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Motherhood? What does that mean? I can honestly say that 11 years ago, I never thought that I would be writing a blog about my children. Don't get me wrong, I wanted it. Just never imagined that it would really happen. But here I am. And oh how I love it! I may get frustrated and overwhelmed but I can't imagine a day without my wonderful husband and children. I look at my family and feel so lucky to have them. When Judd comes up and just gives me a hug and tells me he loves me. When Wyatt puckers his lips for a kiss or when he says 'hello'. I really have to get that on tape. He sounds so sweet. When Wyatt fights so hard to not fall asleep. He will kick my legs and keep talking. When Judd asks for his 2nd glass of milk before he falls asleep. When Jim comes up behinds me and gives me a kiss. Or when we all sit down to dinner together. I'm in awe that they are mine. Forever. As the years go by so quickly, I want to stop time and keep them the way they are. But I can't. The only thing I can do is watch them and teach them to grow. Like my mother did. I only hope that I can do as well as she did. I'm so blessed to have them. I don't know if I thank God enough. Thank you Lord, for these precious children that you gave to me. To raise and love. I only hope that I'm raising them how you want me to. Thank you for the wonderful life you have given to me. For it is something that I will treasure forever.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Judd and glasses...this is gonna be fun

So we took Judd to get his eyes checked yesterday. During his pre-K screening the nurse had noticed something might be off. Well lucky us (NOT lol) Judd has his daddy's eyes. So we ordered glasses for him. You see, Jim had to get glasses about the time he went into Kindergarten and even now he really shouldn't drive or do anything without his. The doctor told us Judd's vision was 20/60. I'm really hoping Wyatt doesn't end up needing glasses also. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not against glasses. I wear them. I just know how difficult it can be as a little kid to have to wear something like that all the time. However, I will say that he is somewhat excited to get them. They should be in within a couple of weeks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have any problems and he wears them like a champ!

I've added a couple of new pic's that we have recently taking that are just to cute. And soon I'll be adding new soccer pics. Judd starts soccer on Sunday. I'm really excited to see how he does. No, I'm not going to be one of those parents screaming like crazy on the sidelines. I really have issues with pushing our children at such a young age. He's really excited to play. Oh, did I mention that he turned 5 this past Monday? Yeah, my little baby is now 5. We took him and one of his friends to Chucky Cheese's. We all add a great time. We will do a birthday party for me later in the month when it gets warmer. How time flies when your having fun. lol Before you know it, both boys will be graduating from high school and off to college. Okay, I can't think about that day..I have a feeling that it will come soon enough.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Judd. Yet another name that can do so many things to me. Lol Judd is so much like me it's scary. He had his first school musical 2 weeks ago. Oh, you should have seen him. He was getting into the music. My friend Colleen asked me if he was mad. I said no, he's getting into the song. It was a dramatic song. The musical was a short version of Nehemiah. He was so excited to do it. We have decided to keep Judd at Solomon for kindergarten next year. He will go everyday, half days. And hopefully he will be ready for 1st grade the following year. His speech is what's setting him back. He is such a smart little boy!! Just last week he said some rather adorable things to Jim and I. Here they are.

1) Judd's birthday is coming up here in another week, we were asking him who he wanted to come to his birthday party. He was naming off all the usually names. Go figured. lol We asked if he wanted to invite his 'girlfriend' Ariana. He said "NO". I asked him why, and he told us it was because she broke his heart!!! Oh, Lord, he's only 4!! I had a hard time not laughing. He was very serious. He told us it was because she wanted to play with another little boy and not him. The heart breaking has already started! However, I have a feeling that he will break many women's hearts!

2) Now this next one, it was also in the same conversation. So this is 2 things that happened within minutes...I was talking the day before to my friend Colleen. I had jokingly mentioned that Colleen, Jim's girlfriend was on the phone. Well, right after Judd told us that Ariana broke his heart and that she wasn't his girlfriend, he asked me, "is Colleen daddy's girlfriend?" Now that had my laughing so hard!! Out of the mouth of babes!

I can't believe that it's been almost 5 years since my little man was born. I'm not sure where the time has gone. A part of me wishes i could have that time back..but I know it's not to be. I'm looking forward to him growing up and being a fine young man.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Wyatt. That one name can do a lot of things to me! It can make me crazy, smile and even cry. How is it that such a little (meaning age, not weight lol)person can do so many things to you? I had to get these two things down before I forgot about it. And they are somewhat memorable. At least to me.
1) Over the weekend I had the kids go play in the basement. I put the gate up at the bottom of the stairs so Wyatt couldn't come up by himself. I started hearing him yell "momma, momma" and i will be honest i didn't check him. In my defense, he wasn't crying or screaming. lol more like just saying my name to say it. anyway, about 10 min later, i peeked down the stairs, there was my little man, at the bottom of the stairs, sitting in a unused booster seat playing the game boy. Well, not actually playing, more like hitting the buttons. The door to the play room was closed. His feet where out in front of him, crossed and he was just chilling..what a sight. I called down to him. He just looked up at me, than back down to his game boy. Just content to sit there. When i opened the door to play room, he just kept on playing. That is until he heard his brother talking, then he had to go see what was going on. It was too funny!

2. Now the second moment of the day...that i have to say came later. I was exhausted finally sitting down after cleaning the whole house. Realizing that i would have to clean it all again. The boys or should i say Wyatt, and already pulled out half of his toys. So I'm sitting on the couch. Wyatt is in the kitchen. Judd gets up to go get a drink, and he comes back in and says "momma, you have to come quick! momma, momma Wyatt is on the table with your 'puter'". so with a feeling of dread, i get up. And Wyatt was right where Judd said he would be. on the kitchen table, getting ready to turn on my computer! He looked up at me with this most precious grin and said "hi momma". Laughing, i took him off the table. So about 3 hours later, he did it again. This time he ripped all the napkins(most of them at least) and dumped the pepper all over the table. He does it almost on a daily basis. I don't believe that Judd ever did that. If anything, Judd isn't to keen on heights. I have a feeling that my little man is going to be a climber. That we will be frequent visitors to the Dr. for injuries. He is definitely an adventurer. Oh, and he has mastered climbing on our bed. He puts one foot up on the side of the bed and uses the end table for leverage. He practiced it several times yesterday! I believe he mastered it.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another storm....

Really?! Can't winter be over? The foot of snow we've had since the beginning of February is slowly starting to melt off. However, according to the weatherman, we are to get a couple more inch's and some lovely ice. Ughh, I need spring. I need sun. Did i mention that it hasn't been around in awhile? The boys need sun...the dog needs sun...we need to be able to go outside without several layers of clothes!
Ok, I feel a little better, getting that off my chest. LOL The good news is, we are going to be spending the day/night at Kalahari in Sandusky this week. Judd has been wanting to go swimming for awhile. We are all looking forward to it. Maybe it will help us with our winter blues. I can't wait to see how Wyatt feels about the water. He loved it over the summer. but...well time will tell. lol I know that Judd will go crazy over it. I think this will be a wonderful time for all of us. So nice to not be at home, around the phone, TV, x-box, and wii. A nice mini vacation in the middle of winter. I promise, promise pictures are to come! I have a feeling that I'll be getting some good ones this week! And I will think of all of you, while I'm ignoring the cold and snow, in the warmth of Kalahari!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Life is Great

I'm sitting here writing this as I wait for 4 out of the 5 boys in my house to go to sleep. Judd is currently having his first official sleep over at our house. And yes I did say 5 boys! Under the age age of 7. That would be 7, 5, 4, 3, and 20 months! It has been a fun night! Really it has. All the boys are very good. Now its just getting them to sleep and not wake me up at the crack of dawn! Yeah right!
Anyway, it has been a wonderful start to the New Year. Jim is officially an Electrician for Norfolk Southern Railroad. He started on 2nds but is currently working 3rds. He will keep that position until something diff/better comes up. Judd got his hearing tested...he doesn't have a hearing problem...which I already knew. lol And his adenoids are fine. So we just have to keep working on his speech. Had our first parent/teacher conference, He is the most improved of all the kids in his class. They absolutely love him. Listens very well to his teachers. They did note that he doesn't like to color! I could have told them that! he prefers to use a pencil to color with. And he has grown so much in the past 2 months. Took him in last week, he weighed 50lbs! In Dec. he only weighed 43!! he is growing so big and fast! He will be starting soccer in April! And hopefully T-ball. He is looking forward to both. Wyatt is learning how to use 'please' in sign language. Now mind you, he doesn't always use it! Only when he wants too. And even though he is growing,I think (hopefully)it is only in length not width!! lol he came in at 34lbs 5ozs. only!! He is the little boy that just won't stop. He's like the energizer bunny, just keeps going and going! What precious children we have! I'm doing my normal stuff..working, cleaning, and keeping track of the kids. or are they keeping track of me?!
We are so blessed to have such wonderful children. I think to the 2 families in Fremont that lost their boys 2 weeks ago. 3 little boys. young boys. They were playing on the iced over river. only it wasn't iced over and they died. I'm not sure how i would be if that ever happened. So i thank the Lord everyday for my blessings and I try so hard not to take them for granted. For we never know when one day it can all be taken away.

It's my Birthday!!

It's my Birthday!!

Wyatt and Aunt Cindy's fav outfit

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt
Me and my buddies

hangin with the easter bunny

hangin with the easter bunny

I'm a big boy!!

I'm a big boy!!
Batman boxer briefs!

I'm sick!

I'm sick!
sleeping on daddy

Playing with daddy

Fun in the Sun!!

Fun in the Sun!!
Look Ma, I'm in the deep end!!

Say Cheese!!

Say Cheese!!

I Love to pose

I Love to pose

I'm chillin' like a villian

I'm chillin' like a villian